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Are you considering a payday loan?

If money is a little tight this month, you may have considered a payday loan. Payday loans are a quick and easy way to get money, however they tend to have a large interest rate and require payment back within 30 days. If you are unable to pay the amount loaned plus the interest rate by the deadline you will certainly see a large bill building up. If you decide you need the cash, and will definitely have the money to pay the loan company back on your next payday, you shouldn’t have any issues. An alternative to a payday loan is an instalment loan, allowing you to borrow money and set a time frame to pay it back by. Time frames can be between 6 months-years, depending on the...

Tips on transferring your pension

Taking advice related to a pension can save you thousand of pounds. We know that pension handling and transfer advice is offered by many ’online experts’ who are ‘unbiased’ and help you select the right service. Many of these companies are legitimate and they do look out for you, but others will be looking at way to take away your hard earned pension and transfer it to their own pocket. This is why you need to be clear about your plans with the advisor; they should have a clear picture over your goals and objectives. You can transfer your pension for various reasons such as the scheme in which you were associated to is about to close, or maybe you wish to transfer it overseas to the country that you...

Having a credit card can improve your credit rating

Your credit report and score will influence many things in your life, such as the auto loan rate you receive and the mortgage amount you are approved for. Your capability of managing your finances and debt can significantly determine the outcome of much of your personal life. Therefore, learning how to develop and maintain a strong credit rating is very crucial. You can work to improve it so that you can easily qualify for the loans that you need to help you achieve your dream. One way that many are improving and rebuilding their credit is through the use of credit cards. They give you small lines of credit that allow you to make purchases and payments anywhere they are accepted. What makes them effective as a way to build...

Borrowing from Family and Friends

Many people go through unstable periods when they’re setting up a new business or are facing steep completion from rivals. A burst of cash that’s well spent can help stabilize your company if the money is invested into the right areas, and many businesses owners choose to borrow money from family and friends rather that loan companies. There are some problems you can face should you choose to borrow money this way. Fallouts If you don’t spend the money you’ve borrowed in the right way, you may have friends of family members asking for a date when they’ll be paid back. If you’re unable to give them the money back your relationship may never be the same. Interference Having a friend or family member lend you money can mean they...

Invoicing – Why you need to act fast

When you’re providing services like photography, copywriting, design, consulting, programming or marketing, it’s important to get your invoice over to the customer fast. We’re not saying you have to invoice them before the work has started or when the work is ongoing, but you’ll be surprised to know that many freelancers leave it quite late, causing problems in the long run. Most businesses will have their own way of approving invoices and one process may involve several people before it’s approved and finally paid, especially if there is a finance department. This is why you should always send an invoice when the work is complete and approved, so waste no time in getting it over. The sooner they have it, the sooner the money will be in your bank account....